Tuesday 19 February 2013

Week 1 - Airport regulations and customs in BRIC - Rachael Smith

Hey guys - it's truly long, but the good stuff is highlighted. In essence:
  • transporting liquids in hand luggage is generally a bad idea
  • transporting food or live animals is generally a bad idea without special permits
  • you need a visa for Brazil IF your country requires Brazilians to have a visa
  • you need a complicated visa for Russia, and for lots of China
  • Brazil has good internal flights, but better buses
  • you are allowed a max of 250g of caviar export from Russia without paying taxes
Hand Luggage
Carry-on luggage or cabin luggage is regarded as not registered under the responsibility of the passenger transports, and the sum of the dimensions (height, width and length) can not exceed 115 cm, including wheels, handles, pockets external, etc.. The maximum measurements for each dimension are 23 x 40 x 55 cm. Your weight should not exceed 5 kg.

Except for children under two years paying 10% of the fare, a passenger can carry as hand luggage:
A purse, briefcase or equipment that can be placed under the seat or in the passenger compartment of the aircraft itself.
A particularly cloth or blanket.
An umbrella or walking stick.
A small camera, a laptop and / or binoculars.
Reading material for travel in reasonable quantity.

Children under two years pay 10% of the fare
-          Supplementary feeding for consumption during the trip.
-          A basket or equivalent (may also be carried in the aircraft hold).

Handicapped passengers who depend on the following items
-          Crutches or orthopedic appliance.
-          Wheelchair completely disassembled (this item is part of the franchise baggage, but will be placed in the hold).

We recommend that passengers medicine, jewelry, cash, important documents, securities, keys, cell phones (turned off), accessories or other fragile objects and value should be placed in hand luggage, always obeying the weight and size allowed.

Under the threat of terrorism on flights connecting to England and the United States, for a determination of the Brazilian authorities are not allowed to take – on international flights and domestic legs of international flights – the following objects in hand luggage, liquids or gel, such as:
-          All types of drinks.
-          Shampoos (liquid or gel).
-          Creams (liquid or gel).
-          Fragrances (liquid or gel).
-          Lotion (liquid or gel).
-          Liquid cosmetics (any type).
-          Hair Spray.
-          Toothpaste.
-          Deodorant (aerosol, liquid or cream).
-          Sharp objects such as knife, knife, knife, etc.
-          Matches and lighters whose fuel is gas type torch (can not be transported inside the cabin and / or luggage).

Since 08/04/2007 the TSA (TransportationSecurityAdministration) re-authorize the boarding of passengers to the United States carrying lighter in hand luggage, however, the limit is only one common cigarette lighter (which the fuel is fluid) for each passenger.

* Drinks for immediate consumption (juices, soft drinks and so on.) Purchased in the boarding area after passing inspection by the airport should be eaten before boarding the aircraft. In the case of drinks and perfumes bought at duty free, a professional from the store will bring the goods to the aircraft when it will be delivered to the passenger.

It will only be allowed to take as hand luggage the following possessions
-          Bottles and infant foods (when babies and children are traveling).
-          Essential medicines accompanied by prescription (must have the name of the passenger to be confronted with what appears on your boarding pass).
-          Essential medicines that do not require a prescription (eye drops, saline solution for contact lenses, etc.., Provided that do not exceed 120M1 or 4oz).
-          Insulin and liquids (including special juice or gel) for diabetic passengers accompanied by prescription since they do not exceed 148 ml (or 5 oz).
-          Solid cosmetics (lipsticks, lip balm and deodorant stick, etc.).
-          Electronic devices (laptop, camera, game player, mobile phone, etc.).

All items mentioned above will be retained as prohibited by security agents from the airport.

- If the passenger has a connection from any airport in the UK, it should not acquire any type of liquid and / or perfume in duty free, since these will be confiscated at the time of its transit in London when the security check.

Checked Luggage and Luggage Allowance for Domestic Flights
Checked luggage is the luggage that goes in the aircraft hold. For luggage in the hold, each adult passenger is entitled to up to two bags with pesototal plus 23 kg ( “b” of Article 37 of Decree 676 of November 13, 2000 the National Agency of Civil Aviation – ANAC).

All luggage items independent of whether or not within the exemption allowed passengers to suffer taxation( I approve of the phrasing here!) exclusively, because it is difficult to fit luggage and is charged a transportation fee from R$ 100,00 in the check-in airport .

Items that are considered special luggage
-          Fishing rod – a rod holder.
-          Surfboard – per unit.
-          Bike – per unit.
-          Ski / snowboad per unit.
-          Archery – per bag (if posted).
-          Kite-surfing – per unit.
-          Scooter – per unit.

Items that are not considered special luggage, which are included in the baggage allowance (usually be charged excessive if it exceeds the threshold)
-          Stock-golf.
-          Skate.
-          Bowling.
-          Bodyboard.
-          Balls (must be empty).

Items must be shipped as separated cargo
-          Kayak.
-          Windsurfing.

Children under two years travel free incomplete without the right luggage, since you are traveling in the lap of a person over 12 years. Children between two and 12 years old are entitled to up to two bags with a combined total of 11.5 kilograms of luggage.

Checked baggage on flights bound for Europe, North America, South Africa and Asia *
* Application:

a) to / from Canada, United States, American Territories,

b) between Brazil and the following areas: Asia via the Pacific Ocean, the South Africa, Hong Kong and Bangkok via South Africa or on direct flights, Europe, including France and London.

For these destinations, adult or child, with reserved seating, is entitled to two storage with 32 kg each for all classes of service, the following dimensions: maximum weight parabagagens shipped with connections and / or final destination of Europe will be 32 kg per piece. Will not be allowed luggage overweight. Example: passenger boards with three volumes, two are allowed, they do not exceed 32 kg. The third will be admitted and pay for excess volume for a more, but should also respect the rule of weight. Any volume exceeding 32 kg, this should be dispatched as freight. Infants, with up to 2 years of age, can take a collapsible stroller or a basket or umbebê comfort and a piece of luggage in compliance with the accepted dimensions for hand luggage and can ship or take with you. If your baggage exceeds this limit will be levied according to the parameter exceeded:

-          Charge will be incurred for excess luggage when there is heavy quantity of parts, or when the volume size is exceeded, or when the weight is exceeded in any of the luggage to be checked.
-          Shall be imposed two rates for excess luggage when there is heavy quantity of parts and size of units and weight or size and weight of any luggage to be checked.
-          Will be applied three charges for luggage excess when they occur over a number of items, size and weight of any luggage to be checked.

Articles accepted as checked luggage
-          Medicines and toiletries necessary or appropriate for the trip, carried as hand luggage. Remember that when the total amount of these items used for each passenger may not exceed the limit of 2 kg or 2 liters and the amount contained in each package can not exceed the limit of 0.5 kg or 0.5 liters.
-          Alcoholic beverages, perfumes and colognes, carried as hand luggage or shipped. The amount of alcohol in each container can not exceed the limit of 2 liters or 0.5 liters per package. Surgically implanted cardiac pacemakers containing radioactive materials such as piles of plutonium, articles or products containing barium, implanted in a person as a result of medical treatment.
-          With the approval of the airline, small cylinders of carbon dioxide gas used by passengers for the operation of mechanical members. Additionally, can carry spare cylinders of equal size, if necessary for the entire trip.
-          Smokers articles for personal use, excluding the lighters devices flammable liquids.
-          Dry ice in quantities not exceeding 2 kg for the preservation of organs to be transplanted.
-          Lighter can be accepted only on the body of the passenger, never in your hand luggage.

Prohibited Items
As Rule 676 of the National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC), hand luggage or baggage may not contain the following items:

o   Alarm device.
o   Explosives, including empty cartridges, ammunition, pyrotechnics, hunting weapons, small arms and fireworks.
o   Gases (flammable, non-flammable and poisonous) such as butane, oxygen, propane and oxygen cylinders.
o   Flammable liquids used as fuel for lighters, heating or other applications.
o   Flammable solids, such as phosphorus and articles easy ignition.
o   Substance of spontaneous combustion.
o   A substance which, in contact with water, emits flammable gases.
o   Oxidizing materials such as lime powder, chemical bleaches and peroxides.
o   Poisonous (toxic) and infectious substances such as arsenic, cyanide, pesticides and defoliants.
o   Radioactive material.
o   Corrosive materials such as mercury, acids, alkalis and batteries with corrosive liquid.
o   Magnetic materials.
o   Biological agents such as bacteria and viruses.
o   Perishable products containing ice cubes in bars or loose inside the package.
Any type of ink (including silk).

All products and perishable food, groceries in general, such as fish, shellfish and other seafood, fresh or frozen, should be accommodated in containers leak-proof, accidental opening or smell. The product should be packed in plastic bags inside leak proof and the outer packaging must be polystyrene coated with a durable plastic bag. It will only be allowed the shipment of ice in a gel or in individual plastic bags and sealed. In the case of transport of weapons, should be complied with restrictions and special instructions addressed in specific legislation.

New rules for boarding passengers carrying liquids on international flights and domestic legs of international flights
Passengers on international flights (even in these domestic) and domestic flights using the departure lounge for international flights (flights that begin with the number “7) will be subject to restrictions as set by the National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC ) for the transport of liquids in their hand luggage. The transport of liquid (including gel, paste, cream, aerosol and the like) in hand luggage must occur as follows:

-          The liquid should be bottle capacity up to 100 ml. Bottles of above 100 ml can not be transported, whether or not with the amount stipulated.
-          Passengers should pack the container properly (comfortably) within a sealed transparent plastic bag with a maximum capacity of 1 liter and maximum height of 20 cm x 20 cm.

Loss of luggage

On domestic flights
The luggage will be considered as lost if not delivered to its destination. When this happens, you should seek the representative of the airline still inside the landing sector. The fiscal Aviation ANAC, located in the Civil Aviation (SAC) in the main Brazilian airports, should be activated in case of problems.

Confirmed the loss, the airline has a maximum of 30 days for the location and delivery of luggage. After that time, the passenger must be compensated by the company. As a preventive measure, the passenger may declare the values assigned to the baggage by paying an additional fee stipulated by the company. In this case, the airline has the right to verify the contents of the luggage – and the value of compensation is the declared and accepted by the company.

Objects of value such as jewelry, securities or cash must be carried in hand luggage, getting the company is not responsible for their loss or damage. In case of damage to luggage, the same rules. Will only be considered for purposes of compensation, the destroyed or damaged objects that have been protested.

The airlines have had a tough time of late with high fuel prices, natural disasters, industrial action and the economic downturn leading to poor results. So don't expect too many good deals. And, despite growing popularity, there are relatively few direct flights except to the largest cities, so, welcome to connecting flight heaven!
This can add considerable time and expense to your travel within Brazil so make sure you have left enough room in your itinerary planning for connections, transfers and the travel by road to your final destination.
At The Airport in Brazil:
If you are only used to short haul travel within the European Community or the US you will have to get used to a new phenomenon. Queuing. You will queue for passport control, queue for your bags and queue to go through customs to the arrivals lounge. They do quite a lot of searches and if your country of origin has any restriction on Brazilians entering it, expect the same courtesies when entering Brazil.
The immigration cards you get on the plane are entered manually one by one with you and your family standing in front of the border official. If you just tipped out of a big long haul plane, this means that you are going to be there for a while with all your new friends you met in the line on the way down the hallway. A good time to do all those 'anti-thrombo' exercises they showed you on the flight.
You will get your copy of this document to take with you, which must be presented to the border officials when you leave, so don't lose it! They do not tell you this so be aware!
Most airports were built in the 50s and 60s and are creaking around the edges. It makes baggage collection a bit of a free for all, but the good side is that you don't have to go on a three mile hike to get from the plane to the exit like you do in most modern mega-airports.
If you didn't bring any Brazilian cash with you, this is a good time to get some. Inside the airport you have foreign exchange counters (CAMBIO in Portuguese) and cash machines. You may not find these quickly at your destination and they have a selection of different banks represented here. It is worth finding which one accepts your bank or credit card as by no means all will and it may be that you cannot use the one you expect. Also it may be as well to tell your local bank manager where you are going in case any restrictions apply to card use in Brazil.
Once you get outside immigration into the arrivals hall you will find some very enterprising types trying to connect you to your hotel in a collection of taxis, hotel buses and private limousine services. Your best bets are the official taxi ranks and the private services, which you should book in advance if there is no hotel bus. The taxi ranks are usually patrolled by the police. There are arguments for and against the private services and the inevitable 'taxi driver special deal'. A fixed price will normally be more expensive than the metered ride price, especially the ones they sell at the hatches inside the airport. These are sometimes quite a bit more. But if you get stuck in traffic in a normal cab with the meter running......
Don't be tempted by anyone, apparently very friendly and presentable, who wants to take you anywhere on foot away from the taxi rank to the cheapest ride in town, as it could turn out to be very expensive. The best time to hit any tourist is at the airport before you get the chance to put valuables away safely in the hotel.
A couple of things that surprised me about travel in Brazil - very pleasantly indeed - were the inter-city bus network and the internal low-cost flights.
Let's take the last first. Having been weaned off Business Class several years ago in cost cutting exercises at work, I had long realised the frivolity of having to pay three times the economy ticket price for a glass of orange juice and a fresh croissant. But all 'low-costs' are not born equal and travelling with some of the more (insert throat clearing cough) high profile airlines in the sector can put you off your fellow man completely.
Not so in Brazil! There are excellent 'hop on, hop off' internal flights connecting all major cities and very reasonably priced - downright cheap if you book ahead. And, after years of suffering cramped conditions on European internal flights, Brazilian planes have leg room for six-footers. That will do for me!
If you do not know your itinerary in advance, the Brazil Air Pass from TAM Airlines is a good option. It is only available to foreign tourists and enables you to make up to nine internal connecting flights in Brazil. The charges vary according to the number of flights but it represents excellent value as the last minute prices, like all low cost airlines, are expensive if you book them locally.
The inter-city bus network is how most Brazilians get around the country on a budget though. For long trips it is still better to fly, but if you fancy taking in some of the scenery while someone else takes the wheel, city hopping by bus is a highly recommendable experience. Probably not for you if you have the whole family with you, but if it's just you and your other half and you want a bit of adventure, it is certainly worth a try.
British nationals can normally enter Brazil without a visa as tourists.
It is important that you comply with Brazilian immigration laws on arrival in country and satisfy the Federal Police (the Brazilian immigration authority) of your intended purpose of visit. It is particularly important to be able to demonstrate that you have sufficient money to fund the duration of your stay, that you have details of your accommodation and a return airline ticket or evidence that you are going to leave the country by other means of transport. If you do not, then you risk being denied entry into the country. If you wish to extend your stay you should apply to the Federal Police for an extension in advance of your 90-day period. If you overstay the validity of your visa, you are likely to be given notice to leave the country at your own expense and risk fines and/or deportation.

Your passport should be stamped with an entry stamp from the Brazilian immigration authorities upon arrival in Brazil. This also applies when you arrive by land. If you do not have your passport stamped, you may be requested to pay a fine before departing.

It is important that you retain your immigration landing card that is required to leave the country - if you lose it you could be subject to a fine. It is also important that you have enough cash to pay the airport tax (R$65 payable in cash only) if this has not been paid with your airline ticket, which is a requirement to leave the country.

The Brazilian Immigration Authorities are vigilant to foreigners claiming to be visitors when in fact their intention is to work in Brazil (e.g. by undertaking training and equipment maintenance).

You must hold a valid passport to enter Brazil. Your passport must be valid for a minimum period of six months from the date of entry into Brazil.
Yellow fever certificate
If you have recently visited a country, which is known to suffer from outbreaks of Yellow Fever, you will need to show that you have been vaccinated against the disease.

Travelling with children
There are additional requirements for all children under 18 entering and/or transiting Brazil without their parents or legal guardian (including on school trips), or if travelling with one parent only. You should contact the Brazilian Consulate in London for up-to-date advice on requirements.
For high-season travel, which basically means flying to Brazil between mid-December and the end of February, tickets cost about US$300 more than they do during the rest of the year.

Visa requirements

  • Brazil has a reciprocal visa policy with all countries, meaning that whenever prices and restrictions are applied to Brazilian visiting a country, Brazil adopts the same measures for that country's visitors.
  • Citizens from Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay may enter the country with a valid ID card and stay up to 90 days. This is useful with regards to internal versus international regulations.
  • No visa is required for stays of up to 90 days from holders of passports from these countries, unless otherwise indicated: Andorra, Argentina, Austria, Bahamas, Barbados, Belgium, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Rep., Denmark, Ecuador, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Hong Kong SAR passport, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, South Korea, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Macau, Malaysia, Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Monaco, Morocco, Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Suriname, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Trinidad & Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, United Kingdom (Including British National (Overseas) passport holders), Uruguay , Venezuela (60 days) and Vatican City. Note that the immigration officer has the right to restrict your visa to less than 90 days, if he deems fit. (This has been done routinely for lone male travellers arriving in Fortaleza, allegedly to combat prostitution tourism.) He will then state the number of days (e.g. 60 or 30) in pen writing inside the stamp just given in your passport; if not, it remains as 90 days.
  • Citizens from all other countries do require a visa. The fees vary depending on reciprocity: for example, US citizens have to pay at least US$160 for a tourist visa and US$220 for a business visa. As of August 2012, citizens of Canada should expect to pay at least CDN$81.25 for a tourist visa, not including any handling or processing fees. Cost of Brazil visa for citizens of Taiwan or Taiwanese passport holder pay $20 Why do Americans have to pay so much? What do they do to Brazilians who fly to the US? They have to have a visa there. (Reference from Embassy of Brazil in Lima, Peru) and 5 days to process. The reciprocity, however, also frequently applies to visa validity: US citizens can be granted visas valid up to 10 years and, likewise, Canadian citizens for up to 5.
  • Tourist visas (including those granted on the spot in immigration control, as for most Europeans) can be extended at any office of the Policia Federal. All state capitals, and most border towns and international ports have one. Tourist visas only be extended once, for a maximum of 90 days, and under no circumstances can you be granted more than 180 days with a tourist visa for any 365-day period. You should contact the federal police about 1 week before your visa expires. The handling fee is currently R$ 67 (Oct. 2008). You may be asked for an outbound ticket (book a fully refundable one on the internet, then cancel when your visa is extended), and a proof of subsistance (for which your credit card is mostly accepted.) In order to apply for the extension, you must fill out the Emissão da Guia de Recolhimento on the Federal Police website, which you will carry to the Banco do Brasil in order to pay the fee. Do not pay the fee until you have spoken with a federal police officer about your case. If she/he denies the extension of your visa, you must have a bank account in Brazil in order to receive a refund.
  • The requirement to first enter Brazil within 90 days of the issue of the visa now only applies to nationals of Angola, Bahrain, Burma, Cambodia, Cape Verde, China, Cuba, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Ghana, Greece, Honduras, Indonesia, Japan, Jordan, Korea, Kuwait, Laos, Libya, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Paraguay, The Philippines, Portugal, Qatar, Syria, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, and Tunisia. Failure to enter Brazil within 90 days will invalidate the visa, no matter how long it is otherwise valid for.
  • By law you are required to produce your outbound ticket upon entry, but this is only enforced in exeptional cases. Even if you are asked, you could often get away with explaining that you are taking the bus to Argentina, and couldn´t buy the ticket in, say, Europe.
  • If you overstay your tourist visa, you will be fined R$8.28 per day (as of October 2007), for a maximum of 100 days. This means that even if you stay illegally for 5 years, the fine will never exceed R$828. You will be made to pay this at the border crossing. As this can take time, it could be wise to do it a few days up front at a federal police office, especially if you have a domestic to international flight connection. The federal police will then give you 8 days to get out of the country. If you don´t pay your fine upon exiting, you will have to pay the next time you enter. The fact that you have been fined for overstaying in the past does not normally imply future difficulties with immigration, but you´d better keep all receipts and old passports for reference.
  • If you want to enter/exit the country for some reason without coming in contact with the immigration authorities, there are numerous tiny border towns that have virtually no control. You will perhaps be told by the local police (who don´t have stamps or computer registers for immigration) to contact the federal police in such and such nearby town.
  • When you are travelling from certain tropical regions to Brazil you need a yellow fever vaccination and the certificate showing you had this. Note that it is illegal to bring in animals, meat, dairy, seeds, plants, eggs, honey, fruit, or any kind of non-processed food without a permit.


Customs Rules

Import regulations::
Free import by persons of 18 years and older:
1. 400 cigarettes or 200 cigarillos or 100 cigars or 500 grammes of tobacco products, provided only one type of tobacco products is imported (otherwise only half of the quantities allowed);
2. only for persons of 21 years and older: alcoholic beverages: 3 litres;
3. a reasonable quantity of perfume for personal use;
4. goods up to an amount of EUR 10,000.- for personal use only;
5. caviar (factory packed) max. 250 grammes per person.

- Photographs and printed matter directed against Russian Fed.. Acipenseridae family (sturgeons) fish and any product made thereof and live animals (subject to special permit). Military arms and ammunition, narcotics, fruit and vegetables. Dairy and meat products from Armenia and Georgia.

Arms and Ammunition regulations::

Prohibited of import and export are (military) arms and ammunition.

Additional Information on regulations::

The customs declaration, which will be filled out on entry of Russian Fed. must be kept carefully. When leaving Russian Fed. this declaration has to be handed over, even when travelling to another C.I.S. country.

Dairy and meat products are permitted (except from Armenia and Georgia), provided packed in original factory packing and in quantities that can be considered for own personal use. Larger quantities will be subject to inspection and traveller will be requested to provide the appropriate documentation, including veterinary health documents.

Export regulations::

1. Exported goods for personal use are not subjects for customs fees or taxes.
2. Archeological, historical and artistic objects are allowed with obligatory written permission of Ministry of Cultural Affairs and with a photograph of the exported object.
3. For all kind of weapon besides declaration a special permit from Internal Affairs Ministry is needed.

-Arms, ammunition, precious metals, (gold, silver, etc.) and articles (see note below) made thereof (also if containing precious stones and/or real pearls).
-Acipenseridae family (sturgeons) fish and any product made thereof (subject to special permit). -Antiquities (i.e. any article older than 50 years) and art objects (subject to duty and special permit from the Ministry of Culture), furs.

Note:Except if such articles belong to the imported personal effects of the passenger (e.g. personal jewellery) and have been declared upon arrival.


Cats, dogs and birds must be accompanied by:
1. veterinarian health certificate (nationals of C.I.S. countries may present a veterinary license instead) bearing seal of local Board of Health and issued no more than ten days prior to arrival (or international Veterinary Passport). Pigeons must be accompanied by a certificate which proves they are free from bird flu;
2. international veterinary passport. For all animals, except cats & dogs, special import permission from Veterinary dept. Ministry of Agriculture is required.
Generally pets are not permitted in hotels.

Baggage Clearance regulations::

Baggage must be cleared at the first airport of entry in the Russian Fed.
Baggage of transit passengers with an onward connection to Belarus or Kazakhstan must be cleared in the Russian Fed..
Baggage of transit passengers with an onward connection to all other destinations outside the Russian Fed. must be through checked to its final destination irrespective of terminal of arrival/departure.

For travellers entering the Russian Fed., a limit of baggage allowance of 35 kg. and/or a value of RUB 65,000.- exists. If exceeding the limit, a customs fee of EUR 4.- per kilo will apply or a 30% axis on top of the excess value to be collected.

Exempt: nationals of the Russian Fed. whose stay abroad exceeds 6 months.

Airport Embarkation Tax

No airport tax is levied on passengers upon embarkation at the airport.

Currency Import regulations:

Import allowed.
Local currency: (Russian Rouble - RUB): no restrictions; foreign currencies: no restrictions.
Written import declaration may be needed on export.

Currency Export regulations:

Export allowed.
Local currency (Russian Rouble - RUB) and foreign currencies: allowed up to 10.000,- without acknowledgement letter. If total amount exceed 3.000 than written declaration required. If total amount exceed 10.000 then the passenger is obligated to have written import declaration or other documentations confirming import or transferring foreign currencies to Russia on the amount that exceed 10.000.
Traveler's cheques are allowed within limits of previously imported if complied documentation is presented, without written declaration. Traveler's cheques, purchased in Russia, require written declaration (red channel).

Duty-free shopping maybe something we all look forward to when traveling, however not everything is duty free. Most people are often surprised when they’re asked to declare their jewelry, money or gadgets or even the packs of cigarettes they bought in another country.

“People are obliged to declare personal items at a total cost of over €10,000 or over 50 kg belonging to individuals traveling across the Russian customs border,” Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Gavrilov told RT. “An individual can bring up to three liters of alcohol beverages, 250 grams of tobacco. Any other limited or prohibited items also have to be declared in a written form, and demonstrated to Russian customs officials.”

All goods moved across the customs border of the Russian Federation are subject to customs clearance and control. Customs clearance and control of goods carried by individuals across the border of the Russian Federation involve the Red and the Green corridors. Corridors shall have proper marking in Russian and in English.

It is also common for passengers to carry expensive items at a cost that exceeds the limit. People often bring jewelry with precious stones, and expensive watches, Swiss ones in particular, without declaring them, or sometimes hiding them from customs.

“If you know that you're wearing an expensive watch that costs more than customs limitations it’s best to declare it,” Gavrilov told RT. “It will certainly be returned to you in any case, but you'll end up paying a fine, and a customs fee to get it back.”

That is not the only thing customs controls deals with. Recent statistics show that drug addiction, which has spread significantly across Russia over the past decade, poses a serious threat to the country's security. The country is battling a rise in the flow of heroin from Afghanistan into its North Caucasus region.

The drugs are often found within checked baggage or sometimes, in extreme situations, in the trafficker’s stomach, a method authorities say is a dangerous one. The struggle against drug trafficking is a major one for authorities.

One of the most effective ways of detecting drugs or other illegal substances on people and in baggage’s is through the use of drug detection dogs, the most common tool of olfactory surveillance. Drug detection dogs are used to enable the police to detect odours undetectable by human senses. In this context, a dog is a “technology.”

“The search requirements are almost the same for passengers and cargos,” dog trainer Aleksandr Poleev told RT. “There is a difference in demonstrating the problem. When a dog finds a problem in cargo, it demonstrates it actively, by scratching it, and with passengers, passively, depending on training principles, like sitting or lying down next to a passenger carrying drugs, or barking at it.”

Perhaps this is why many do not understand why in Russia it is difficult to order things on say Amazon or other international outlets. The taxes are high and if you do not clear it, you could be fined for up to 50 to 200 per cent of the value of the goods.

If you bring in something that you think may be questioned when you come in or out of Russia, it is better to declare it. This way you will be able to prove you are not importing or exporting it. Always make sure you keep the stamped declaration until the end of your trip to avoid problems when leaving the country. 

Liquids allowed in hand luggage:
  • Water and other drinks, soups, syrups, jam, honey.
  • Lotions, creams and oils.
  • Perfume, eau de cologne and eau de toilette
  • Sprays
  • Gels, including hair and shower gels.
  • Pressurized containers including shaving foams and other foams and deodorants.
  • Pastes, including toothpastes
  • Liquid and solid mixtures
  • Mascara
  • Any other solutions and items of similar consistency.
The following restrictions apply to the above-listed liquids:
  • Containers must have the volume no greater than 100ml. Liquids in any containers larger than 100 ml are not allowed, even if the container is only partially filled.
  • Liquids Must be placed into a transparent resealable bag not exceeding the size of 18x20 cm. The total volume of liquids may not exceed 1 liter.
Each passenger may carry only one such plastic bag with liquids.
Plastic bags are available to passengers free of charge.
Plastic bags are available in the security check areas.

Baby milk, liquid baby food, medicines and dietary products are still allowed in hand luggage. The airport security staff may ask you to produce the evidence of that you will need those items during your flight (health certificate or a prescription).

All the above mentioned liquids packed in accordance with the new regulations, as well as any baby or dietary food and medicines, must be presented for examination in the security area separately from other of hand luggage.

All other liquids permitted for air transportation but not complying with the above regulations must be packed into the hand luggage in advance and checked in.

All liquids purchased in the airport duty free area will be given to you in a special sealed bag. These bags may not be opened until arrival to the point of destination.

Attention! Since May 1, 2007 compressed gases, poisonous or highly inflammable liquids can no longer be accepted for storage.

Entry requirements

To enter Russia you will need a visa before travel. During periods of high demand, you should apply for your visa well in advance. For further information see the
Russian Embassy website. Before you travel to Russia make sure you are aware of the terms and conditions attached to your visa, for both entry and exit, and check that the dates and details which have been entered on your visa are correct.

For stays of more than seven days you must register with the local branch of the Federal Migration Service within seven working days of arrival. Most major hotels will do this automatically. If you are staying in private accommodation the owner of the property must do this for you.

Passport validity

Your passport should be valid for a minimum period of 3 months after the expiry date of your visa.

Migration cards

All foreign nationals entering Russia must sign a migration card, which is produced electronically at passport control in the major airports. Provincial airports may still require you to complete the migration card manually. The card is in two identical parts. One part will be retained by the Immigration Officer on arrival. You should keep the other part with your passport; you will need it when you leave Russia and if you are stopped by the police for an ID check during your stay. There are many hotels and hostels that will not check in guests if they don’t have the stamped white immigration card with them. You must complete a new migration card each time you enter Russia, even if you have a multiple entry visa. If you lose the second part of the card you will be fined, and your departure from the country could be delayed.

Local laws and customs

Don’t become involved with drugs. You can expect a long sentence for possession of even small quantities of drugs, regardless of whether they are ‘hard’ or ‘soft’.

You must carry your original passport at all times. A copy will not be sufficient. If you can’t produce your passport when asked, you will be fined.

Homosexuality is legal in Russia, but there is still a degree of intolerance among some sections of the population. Be careful about public displays of affection.

Photographing any military establishment or site of strategic importance (including airports) is banned. You are likely to have your film confiscated, and be detained for questioning or arrested if you are caught.
You can import up to 10,000 US dollars (or equivalent) into the country and export up to 3,000 US dollars from Russia without declaring it.

If you import over 10,000 US dollars or certain categories of goods like electrical items, jewellery, antiques and valuable musical instruments, you must complete a customs declaration form.

If you wish to import certain advanced electronic items (e.g. Global Positioning System instruments), you must get an operating licence from the Russian authorities before you travel. Check with the Embassy of the Russian Federation before your departure.
If you complete a declaration make sure the form is stamped by a Customs official at your port of entry, otherwise your foreign currency and non-declared items may be confiscated when you leave Russia and you may be fined.
There are strict regulations governing the export from Russia of antiques, icons, medals, artwork and other items of historical significance. This includes modern art and even posters if they are particularly rare or valuable. You must get approval from the Ministry of Culture.


Customs Rules

Import regulations::

Free import (import by non-residents, however, is only permitted if they enter India for a stay of not less than 24 hours and not more than 6 months, provided they visit India not more than once a month)
a. persons of 17 years of age and older: 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250 grammes of tobacco; 2 litres of alcoholic liquor or wine;
b. medicines in reasonable quantities;
c. 2 ounces of perfume and 1/4 litre of toilet water;
d. travel souvenirs imported by:
- nationals and residents of India or if being of Indian origin provided being 10 years of age or older:
- if returning from Bhutan, China (People's Rep.), Myanmar or Nepal: up to INR 6,000.

- if stayed outside for more than 3 days. If stayed outside up to 3 days: nil.
- if returning from other countries: up to INR 25,000.- if stayed outside for more than 3 days. If stayed outside up to 3 days: INR 12,000.
Persons under 10 years are allowed 1/4 of the value admitted to adults.
- nationals of, or being of origin, Bhutan and Nepal and coming from respective countries: nil. If coming from other countries: up to INR 8,000.
- nationals of, or being of origin, Pakistan and coming from Pakistan: up to INR 6,000.-. If coming from other countries: up to INR 8,000.
- all other nationals: up to INR 8,000. If coming from Pakistan: up to INR 6,000.
e. Goods for personal use.

Goods in excess of the maximum permitted amount will be subject to an import duty of 60%.

Additional Information on regulations::

Firearms: It is advisable to obtain a possession licence in advance (or hold proof of exemption) in order to avoid delay and inconvenience on arrival.
A Tourist Baggage Re-Export Form (TBRE) will be issued upon arrival to tourists for re-exportation of their expensive items duty free.

Livestock and livestock products: the import of these, by any means including cargo or baggage is restricted and requires a sanitary import permit, as well as a "No Objection Certificate" (NOC). A NOC must be obtained in advance from the Animal Quarantine and Certification Services (AQCS). Products include:
- meat and meat products of all kinds of fresh, chilled and frozen meat, tissue or organs;
- egg and egg powder;
- milk and milk products;
- bovine, ovine and caprine embryos, ova or semen;
- pet foods of animal origin;
- gelatin, fur, animal skin, wool, leather, carpets, horns, bone and bone grist, feathers, shuttle cock etc.
Prohibited: the following livestock and livestock products:
- all kinds of birds and bird products (incl. eggs, feathers, meat etc.); and
- pigs and pig meat products.

Seeds and plants: the import of seeds and plants for the purpose of sowing, planting and propogation, consumption, research and breeding requires an import permit. Import is restricted to the aiports of Amritsar (ATQ), Bengaluru (BLR), Chennai (MMA), Delhi (DEL), Guwahati (GAU), Kolkata (CCU), Mumbai (BOM), Patna (PAT), Shamshabad (HYD), Thiruvananthapuram (TRV), Tiruchchirapalli (TRZ), Varanasi (VNS).

A minimum of 48 hours is required by the Airport Health Office for the importation of human remains or ashes. A death certificate is also required (in English or translated into English). A death certificate indicating cause of death as unknown or pending will not be accepted. Please contact airline for further requirements that apply to the carriage and importation of bodies.



Customs Rules

Import regulations::

Free import of:
1. cigarettes: 400 (if staying less than 6 months) or 600 (if staying 6 months or longer);
2. two (if staying less than 6 months) or four (if staying 6 months or longer) bottles of alcoholic beverages (each bottle not exceeding 75 centilitres);
3. a reasonable quantity of perfume for personal use during stay in China.

1. printed matter directed against the public order and the morality of China;
2. radio transmitters;
3. exposed but undeveloped films; and
4. all fruits, tomatoes, egg plants and red peppers.

Free import by residents and non-residents with re-entry visa issued by any foreign country and carrying travel necessities not exceeding customs limitations: one video camera, one portable video recorder and one portable word processor.

Arms and Ammunition regulations::

Import, export and transit is allowed, provided prior authorisation is obtained from competent department. Arms and ammunition must be declared at all times. If prior authorisation is not obtained, import of arms and ammunition is prohibited.

Additional Information on regulations::

Antiques should be declared on arrival.

Export regulations::

Free export of four cartons of tobacco products for personal use.
Additional information: antiques should carry an authorisation seal or authorisation letter by the Department of Cultural Relics. A customs declaration obtained when entering China (People's Rep.) is required in case the items will be re-exported.

Baggage Clearance regulations::

Baggage is cleared at the first airport of entry in China (People's Rep.).
Exempt: baggage of passengers in transit via Beijing (PEK), provided it is labeled to a destination outside of China, and the onward flight is within 24 hours.
Passengers do not have to pick up their baggage by themselves if the connecting flight number is printed on the baggage tag as ground service staff will pick it up and deliver it to the baggage area of passenger's connecting flight.
There are no baggage transfer facilities at Shanghai Hongqiao (SHA) or Shanghai Pudong (PVG) and baggage cannot be checked through to final destination. All baggage must be collected and re-checked in for the connecting flight.


·         You should not attempt to travel to Tibet without the appropriate permits. The Chinese authorities periodically restrict access to Tibet without notice.

Foreign nationals over the age of 16 must carry their passport at all times. You must register your place of residence with the local Public Security Bureau within 24 hours of arrival. If you stay in a hotel, your registration is done as part of the check-in process. Police carry out random checks and may detain you if you do not hold a valid visa or work permit.

China does not recognise dual nationality. If you hold Chinese nationality, the Chinese authorities may regard you as a Chinese national, regardless of the travel document with which you entered China.

There are severe penalties in China for drugs offences including the death penalty. A British national was executed in China for a drugs offence in December 2009. Other foreign nationals have been sentenced to death in China for drugs offences since then.

Foreign nationals over 16 years of age are required to carry their passports with them at all times. Police carry out random checks, especially during periods of heightened security, around major sporting or political events; failure to produce your ID can lead to a fine or detention. If you renew your passport while you are in China, you must register your new passport with the authorities promptly or face a fine.

British nationals require visas to enter mainland China, but not Hong Kong or Macao. Visas must be obtained prior to arrival, including for Hainan Island. For details of entry requirements to China you should contact the nearest
Chinese Embassy or Consulate in good time before your proposed trip. Chinese Visa policy requires that foreigners leave China to change a visa from one category to another.

Do not overstay your visa or work illegally. Carefully check your visa validity as fines are levied for overstaying. The authorities conduct regular checks to identify those who overstay or work illegally and you may be fined or detained for not complying with the conditions of your visa or work permit. If you remain in China longer than six months, you may be required to obtain a Residence Permit.

China remains largely a cash economy. Outside major cities, credit cards are not always accepted and the availability of cash point machines (ATMs) is limited. It is not possible to change Scottish or Northern Irish bank notes.

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