Monday 29 April 2013

Business plan section - Mary

3.0 – Our Company

This section notes who we are, what we offer and why we do it. It also details who owns the business and the non-executive directors that work for the business

3.1 Who We Are

James Birkbeck  - Managing director 


Volunteer technician on SS Great Britain

Key skills



Vicki Foster – Financial Director


6 A levels including 3A*

Key skills

Strong maths ability

Experience of budgeting


Rachael Smith – Product Development Director


Many creative craft skills

Key skills


Idea development


Wai Pang – Branding and Advertising Director


1st prise winner at Portakabin exhibition

Key skills

Computer skills


Mary Jenner – Marketing and Human Resources Director


Products on display at Harewood House Gallery

Work shown at Bradford International Film Festival

Key Skills

Initial Ideas



3.2 Who owns the business?

We are all individual shareholders in this design consultancy.  James Birkbeck, Vicki Foster, Rachael Smith, Wai Pang and Mary Jenner each own 20% of the business.

3.3 What do we offer – product / services

Our products and services are all highly user based. We design what the client really wants, with an aim to make it as functional as possible. Our products have ranged from work to improve airplanes and boarding processes, modular sustainable housing, flat-pack radios, a range of proposals on how to improve commuting and many more. We work from briefs set by clients, and take them through the design process where we discover through research, define the needs, and develop concepts resulting in a design specification, CAD visuals and recommendations on production.


3.4 Our Aims

Our collective aim is to design quality products, with the user at the heart of the process.  We strive to provide concepts that the client will truly love. Where possible, we will aim to make the designs sustainable, as sustainability is an issue we all are passionate about.


3.5 Our Assets

As a company, we all share our knowledge and interests, be it around transport, technology, crafts and manufacturing or environmental issues. As we have all worked with each other throughout our undergraduate degree, we have established a highly successful designing technique and a deep understanding of each other’s areas of interest and success. This enables us to complete a wide variety of design briefs, as we can confidently draw on each design member’s skills.

3.6 Non-executive directors

Although we are a young design consultancy, we have already acquired non-executive directors though networking and contacts. These non-executive directors are from a multitude of disciplines, and have helped on variety of concepts. Alan Smith, an aeronautical engineer, for example has assisted us during an aeroplane based project.  Other projects have been supported by Mike Enever, a designer maker of bespoke furniture, Robert Johnson who is a designer for Ikea, Chris Shaw who is the joint-director of Tradebe UK (Britcare) and even Priestmangoode has aided us.


Tuesday 23 April 2013

Presentation Dialogue (updated)

Our first product is the use of our membership scheme.

Like many airline, our membership offers airmiles and discounts. but our membership is an improvement. This is because we have the Kindle travel companion. The Kindle travel companion improves the journeys of our customers by providing a faster and smoother experience. As such our travel companion is suited for business travel as well as families and students.
After looking at many devices we have chosen to use the Kindle, targeting readers. However, other similar technology could be used. We discovered a problem where travellers find it difficult to recharge mobiles phones. Especially on the plane, when not every seat has access to a power socket. The Kindle however, has a 2 month battery life, and being an E-ink reader, the screen can be viewed in bright sunshine to pitch black. Therefore, reading is always comfortable and will not strain the eye as much as tablets. Finally, the Kindle has lower chances of interference to the plane than any mobile phone.

Does everyone have to buy a Kindle?
No, but you can do at a huge discount. The traditional paper tickets will always be available. But our Kindle works together with your online profile when you register. Once complete and your journey is booked, you will receive your Kindle. Or you can use your own.
But how can a Kindle improve air travel?

Page by page, organised story through the airport.
Cover storage, for travel documents. CLICK
Scan and go, for fast moving queues. CLICK
Personalised service, with online profiles. CLICK
Subscription services, such as daily news and magazines. CLICK
Gaming (future) for in-flight entertainment.

For families travelling, it can be a nightmare. Keeping an eye on baggage and kids is difficult. Therefore, the kindle can contain all your essential travel documents on its cover. It could included keys to your holiday home, or a small notepad. It will be all in one place.

For keeping track of how many shirts you are bringing, or how many baggage you are bringing along as a family. We try reducing all the information into segments so that your journey is condensed into a page by page journey. This will start from the packing stage at home, travelling to the airport, going through security and getting to your gate, until you arrive at your destination.
For business travel, we have the example of Mr. Hyung who needs to travel frequently. The Travel companion is designed to be quick and efficient for frequent fliers. He has checked in online already and travels light. He can just show his Kindle E-ticket and then go through security. He bypasses the baggage drop-off and check-in desk. Waiting at the gate, have you seen people with their boarding ticket tucked inside a passport? Probably many, its a safety issue solved by the travel companion.

Once on the plane, Mr Hyung can relax on his short business trip to refresh his mind before a meeting by reading the daily news, or he can access his subscription to a journal. This reduces paper and cut costs down for us as an airline. Finally, Mr Hyung's profile can inform us of his preferred seats, food and drinks which would provide feedback to improve overall experience.

Presentation dialogue

Presentation speech - mock presentation

Comments from tutors:
1. Kindle image was on bit too long.
2. Reduce dialogue by about 1/3
3. "After all the research, we decided to use the Kindle"
4. Clarify how you get the Kindle?

Our first product is the use of our membership scheme.
Like many airline, our membership offers airmiles, discounts and fast tracking etc. but our membership is new and improved. This is because we have the Kindle travel companion. The Kindle travel companion improves the journeys of our customers by providing a faster and smoother experience. As such our travel companion is suited for business travel as well as families and students.

Reasons we have chosen the Kindle, as opposed to other tablets such as iPads is because of a problem we found where travellers find it difficult to recharge mobiles phones, laptops and tablets etc. at the airport or on the plane. There never seems to be charging station close by, and if it is, it has already been taken. Especially on the plane, when not every seat has access to a power socket. The Kindle however, has a 2 month battery life and very simple to use. Although, it is not considered as a gaming device like iPads. There will be games on Kindle devices in the near future. For example, the US versions already have word games such as scrabble, which I think will released for all. Being an E-ink reader, the screen can be viewed in bright sunshine to pitch black which is often the case on a planes. Therefore, reading is always comfortable and will not strain the eye as much as tablets. Finally, the Kindle has lower chances of intereference to the plane than laptops, mobiles and tablets.

But how can a Kindle improve air travel?

Secure cover, storage for Passports and travel documents.
Scan and go, for fast moving queues.
Page by page, organised process through the airport.
Personalised service, with online profiling.
Subscription services, such as daily news, journals, magazines.
Gaming (future) for in-flight entertainment.

For example, I will walkthrough how a family is able to benefit through this Travel Companion.

Travel Companion can keep it as stressfree as possible; For families travelling, it can be a nightmare. Keeping baggage, kids, passports secure when you have 6 different bags is difficult. Therefore, the kindle can contain all your essential travel documents on its cover. Space to hold your passports, bit of paper, notes, keys to a holiday home etc. It will be all in one place. Information overload can also confuse parents. There can be times when a travel itinerary is a couple pages long and you have to flip through, searching for the one piece of information you want. So we try reducing all the information into segments so that your journey is condensed into a page by page journey. This will start from the packing stage at home, travelling to the airport, going through security and getting to your gate, until you arrive at your destination.

For business travel, we have the example of Mr. Hyung who needs to travel, but can only afford economy class. The Travel companion is designed to be quick and efficient for frequent fliers. He has checked in online already and because he travels light, there is no need to visit the baggage drop. Instead, he can just show his Kindle E-ticket and then go through security. He bypasses the baggage drop-off and check-in desk, which are the most congested areas in the airport. And he can do this all without taking anything from his briefcase because the kindle is small enough to be held in his jacket pocket. Finally, once on the plane, Mr Hyung can relax during his short business trip to refresh his mind before a meeting by reading the daily news, or he can access his subscription to a monthly magazine or journal or periodical. This reduces paper and cut costs down as an airline. Finally, Mr Hyung's profile can inform us of his preferred seats, food and drinks which would help us inform the choices of meals on flights to improve experience overall.

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Notes for sections of the presentation

Seat cushion


problem – people are different sizes. all chairs are same size. people have changing requirements throughout flight – sleeping, back pain, wanting to use table etc

solution – positionable cushion that allows user to freely place it wherever suits their needs at any time, to be used as a pillow, a cushion or a bolster seat. safety considerations have been taken into account. brandable.

USP – unlike other solutions, this provides for all situations in one easy-to-use product. It can be added to existing chairs, thus negating the need to replace them – expensive.



personal screen


problem – limited privacy. no personal space. people feel uncomfortable falling asleep in front of strangers – or eating – or working. small children noisy.

solution – extendable screen that comes from between seats. safety etc

USP – bridges the gap between economy and business



Lounge chair


problem – delays – no comfy seats, no sleeping locations available, security for hand luggage?

solution – lounge chair also for sleeping. secure luggage storage

USP – comfort and security  - simplicity



Sleeping mask


problem – bright, noisy, busy

solution – sleeping mask with built in earmuffs

USP – doubles up



Companion service


problem – lots of paper that can get lost and confuse

solution – e-ticket, info only when necessary, all info in one secure place, nothing extra for readers

USP – kindle vs smartphone – good battery, reliable

Presentation Ideas - mary


title/ introduction to us -v

what we are going to tell them-v

branding/marketing -v

Persona/ our customer (Mr Hyung) and our staff member (Li Mei)-v


lounge chair-j

seat cushion-r

personal screen-m

sleep mask-j

product reminder /thank you for listening.-together on thursday


problem (Mr Hyung)

solution (Li Mei)

unique selling point/edge on competition

Friday 12 April 2013

Week 9 - Branding and Marketing part.2

Week 9 - public relations and advertising

Public relations
“Public relations is the practice of managing the flow of information between an individual or an organisation and the public.” It is usually used to maintain an image or viewpoint on the organistion. For Qui Fei, we will promote our 'promise of loyalty', and 'comfortable, safe flying experience'. We intend to continually update our services to the needs of our customers. Therefore, our advertising campaign will be targeted at a few customer groups; Families, small/medium businesses, students and holiday travellers.

Families will be targeted by emphasising our travel planning kindle, spacious cabins, and our innovative screening seats. Families get more privacy and feel safer. Our stewards are trained in coping with children and babies. For our advertisement, we could have the viewpoint of mother of three going on holiday from Beijing to Shanghai.
Storyboard for families;
  • A mother is seen organising and noting down important items on the Kindle.
  • Father rounds up the kids and begin moving baggage to the door. Turn of a page, travel arrangements are shown, and a taxi arrives. Whilst travelling, mother gives the children the kindle to read.
  • Mother checks the kindle for baggage allowances and turns to e-ticket page. Passports are held on the kindle cover case. E-ticket is scanned fast and easily.
  • Waiting at the gate, the father reads his free daily newpaper. He closes it then uses it to show his boarding pass to the steward. Smiley steward is welcoming and nice. Motherly.
  • Inflight, the children hold the kindle and navigate their way , pointing and giggling to their seat.
  • The mother reads the children a story from the kindle and then swings partition for privacy. The children fall gently to sleep.
  • Collecting baggage, mother checks the kindle again for the number and her important notes. It says 'call Margaret 0863744435', '306 Fei Shou Road'
  • Ends with smiling mother and kids running about. Care free and easy going. Uneventful travel.

Storyboard for Mr. A Fei, the architect; promote speed and convenience.
  • Mr. Andrew Fei puts down his mobile phone and rolls up his drawings, grabs his briefcase in his office and rushes downstairs. Gets in his 1998 series 3 BMW and drives away.
  • Arrives at the airport and walks briskly and directly towards his gate. Checking his kindle's map. It also says, checked-in online, with a big tick.
  • He walks past the Mother's family, and tourists in duty-free. They are testing their hand luggage in the metal cage.
  • Shows his kindle to steward and passes through to the plane with a smile.
  • Inflight, kindle is propped up on innovative new table. Andrew points to several pictures on the trolley and the beautiful steward hands him the selected Dim Sum on a plate. Also a cup of black coffee.
  • Just before Mr. A Fei lands, he checks his air miles. It says its been successfully added onto his account.
  • Finally, a newer office is shown, and Andrew shakes his clients hands. Rolls up his drawings again and smiles.

Storyboard for students and holiday traveller. Three students travel overseas to Japan, Okinawa. Promoting fun and blogging of travels. Sharing your experiences.
  • A group of students travel abroad to Japan as a holiday to try out diving. They type 'I can't wait to swim with the fishes'
  • Zooms to picture of guy in scuba gear. Then picture becomes animated and he drops into the water. Cameraman follows him.
  • Scrolls down blog. Another new typed blog post ; 'Hama's house has amazing noodles' 5 stars has been clicked.
  • Zooms to picture of a bowl of noodles. Picture animates and then video of the three students enjoy dinner and having fun with owners.
  • Scrolls down to end of blog. New blog post; 'Thanks for Qui Fei for the stress free travel'. Zooms to picture of the three students at the airport coming back home with the airline in the background.


Free or low cost trials
Testing the travel blogger site would be relatively low-cost and would be easy to trail.

Testing the kindle would be more expensive because we would need to purchase kindles; and have a system to be able to generate e-tickets onto a pdf format for the kindle. Giving newpapers and reading materials will have to be done under contracts with Amazon and also the newspapers so that Qui Fei airline could have a library of books available for its customers too.

Prototypes will be needed to test out our new seating improvements and also the Dim Sum trolley. Costs are relatively low as all these changes will not alter much of the interior of the plane. The trolley should be the same size and shape of the existing trolleys and the seating improvements does not occupy more space.

Thursday 4 April 2013

Week 8 - Branding and Marketing part.1

Week 8 - Branding and Marketing

Show the market exists for your product
Population of USA is 315,608,000. there are 642,000 passengers annually. 2% of the population travel each year. If we can assume that China will also follow close that percentage as it grows. There could be a huge market with China having a population of 1,353,821,000. Following a couple of low growth years, it has began to pick up, and travel is forecasted to be 450 million passengers in 2015. It is also expected to increase sharply with forecast of 700 million passengers by 2020. Interestingly, “China Eastern's fleet change appears driven by the need for more narrowbody aircraft to match expected domestic and regional capacity”. There seems to be a growth in demand of domestic flights. They have ordered B737/B787 which are narrowbody and medium body airplanes used mainly for short and medium flights. This trend to a growth in domestic flights is backed up by Ascend's analysis of China's airplane orders. They say that 150 narrowbody units have been ordered, overshadowing only 16 widebody units. Domestic air traffic is leading the growth in China and high speed rail will not hinder it. Popular destinations: Hong Kong led the list, followed by Macau, Taiwan, South Korea and Japan.

Identify customer groups
According to a survey released last month by the Hurun Reportand International Luxury Travel Market Asia, the typical wealthy Chinese outbound traveler typically goes on holiday three times per year for an average of eight days, traveling in a group of nine. Though more seasoned Chinese travelers are being seen engaging in more experience-based activities — anything from scuba diving in Hawaii to safaris in Africa, shopping still remains the top motivation for overseas travel.”

The Chinese are by far the No. 1 shoppers in France…Last year, they represented only 1.5 percent of foreign visitors, yet they spent about €500 million ($621.5 million).”

From personal experience and interaction with China/Hong Kong born citizens travellers like to spend money on shopping. The general consensus is that Chinese goods are risky to purchase because of counterfeiting. Many feel much safer purchasing abroad for well-known brands such as Gucci, Lious Vuitton, Gap, Ralph Lauren Polo, Fred Perry etc. Particualrly fashion items such as belts, handbags, jackets, trousers, dresses. Chinese enjoy food and culture a lot more than other travellers. They like to taste the different foods and like to adopt fashion style from abroad. I think they see UK as very high-class and posh. They envisage tea parties in gardens and really like the 'gentlemen' concept. There are several groups that I have seen which affected this opinion:
Rich parents who has brought their child to UK for private schooling in boarding schools. Therefore, they take the opportunity of visiting their children as a holiday and often like to spend a little money each visit. These could be presents, or touristic travels and can be considered special occasions. If the parent does not come to visit their children, they will often travel back to China instead. These will be during Holidays, so usually 3 times a year. If the students are at university level, parents often send money to their children and the students are pretty much free to spend it as they wish. However, the emphasis is that in return, they should do well in their studies.

For domestic flights within China itself, we have the example of Mr. Hyung as a businessman. (see my Week 6 post)

Talk to target customers. Do they want your product? Will they pay? How much?
I have personally spoken to three regular travellers to China and Hong Kong; Janet, Shiela, Magaret. Janet mostly goes to Hong Kong to visit family and for holidays abroad.

Janet says the Kindle + membership will only attract readers, and that it is not as appealing than iPads. She argues that there are no games on the Kindle and she would rather have a iPad as its much more fun. She uses an Emirantes airline membership on her phone to collect airmiles, but she more often than not uses a travel agent to purchase her flights. She says they are cheaper and that the air miles are automatically added onto her account. Plus, she enjoys the packages more as she is predominatly in UK and like to go back to Hong Kong or China as a holiday package. She enjoys packaged holidays that include hotels and coach rides to pre-planned destinations. Therefore, our Kindle experience is not suitable for her as she does not read much and feels that iPads will keep her more entertained than a Kindle.

Shiela is a Jehova witness and she is retired at roughly 50-60 years of age. She spends most of her time volunteering in UK ans also in China. As a result she travesl to and from UK a couple of times a year and collects many air miles. Interestingly, she does not spend her miles and instead her husband uses them instead, which he often spend on further flights. These could be holidays or business. Shiela is a reader and not really into playing games. She herself reads a lot for her work and also carries books to and fro. She says likes phycical books but is open to the Kindle. She says that if she had all her books in a single device would help baggage when traveling. However, she prefers physical book pages, and she also has to hand out books every now and then. So she will always have some books on hand. These include a periodical and some standard religious literature in several languages.

Margaret really enjoys the idea of a Kindle for travelling. She is also retired but only at roughly 40 years of age. She has two children within UK studying secondary and higher education. This means that for the whole family, they live between Hong Kong and UK roughly 50:50 of the year. She does not have a television in her UK home and is very academic, which follows on to her children. Margaret and her daughter share an iPad and use it mainly for games, e-mails and web browsing. Seeing it, they have well over 40+ games/apps. She says she does not like watching television because it is a waste of time, and enjoys to read books as well as web browsing for information gathering. Explaining the Kindle + Membership concept, she is keen on it and can see it working. However, she is sceptical of how popular it will be. She says that the iPad has a good battery life and can offer the same benefits and more, but also agrees that it is manily for games. A Kindle is suitable for readers only, but also understands that the Kindle is much cheaper than the iPad. She insists the Kindles would have to be free to be popular.

On a side note she also enjoyed the idea of having Dim Sum on board of planes. We discussed how it could work; a trolley that has shelves of a large variety of dim sum. Then passengers can tell the steward which ones they like, and then they would be picked with tongs onto a plate. The idea is that not everyone likes the choices of food. This gives flexibility for passengers and less packaging.

Brand Issues
The Kindle membership is very focused target, and can disuade many customers who do not wish to use the Kindle. Therefore, I suggest we can have different membership packages; They will essentially offer the same services, but will be catered slightly differently.

“iPad membership” - you can load up your E-ticket and save as a pdf to flip through as you nagivate your travel. But more emphasis on games. E.g. land your plane, manage your own airport, scrabble, poker, tetris with other passengers etc. Anyone with an iPad can join up for this membership.

“E-reader(Kindle) membership” - load up your E-ticket, same as iPad. But this membership will offer books services, such as rental books, or free books in the airline library to download. Free newspapers for the journey. Existing Kindle users can join up. Free Kindle for new members? Or discounted branded kindle?


Tuesday 19 March 2013

Kindle E-Ticket

Week 6 - How does the Kindle fit in?

Week – 6 How does the Kindle fit in?
visuals of Boarding Ticket on kindle will be coming soon.

Travel companion
The Kindle is the product of a concept of 'make travelling easy'. The Kindle is a travel companion, that can take you through the intimidating process of travelling by air. This companion is able to take YOU, our valued, loyal customer, step-by-step safely and smoothly on your journey. I chose the Kindle because of its newest product, the Kindle paperwhite. It is a simple and very focused product, that I think suits this use. As opposed to Tablets/smartphones, which are very power hungry, entertainment orientated and expensive, the paperwhite it features E-ink, backlit light, touchscreen and low price. I have chosen the Kindle for its extensive support/service for the device which I believe puts it ahead of its competition ideal for use as a 'Travel companion'

The Kindle's involvement is not compulsory on all flights. It is for members only who join our airline's Go Fly High club. Just like typical airline membership schemes, it provides returning customers rewards. I hope to GIVE away the kindle for new members, and hope to retrieve costs back from the loyalty of customers. Members collect a digital currency in th form of 'air miles' and use these to get discounts on future purchases. The paperwhite £109 compared to £270 for an Ipad mini, which much more easily justifies using E-reader technology. Of course, limitations on the kindle, but for its use as a travel companion, drawbacks a minimal. Our Kindle and membership scheme's is unique for the following reasons.

I believe that there will always be a place for printed out boarding tickets. However, The benefit of our membership tying with the kindle means that our customers can have all their flight details, travelling documents downloaded after they have the ticket booked. This means that all the information can be clear and that given to the traveller in chunks. When you are at the check-in desk, the flight no. length of flight etc are not important. You just need to know what your flight departs, if it is delayed. Then once you are checked in, you need to find out how to get to the gate. This travel companion gives you the information you need at the right time.

Inherent issues that the kindle carries with it is that it an additional electrical item, it may feel like an additional hassle that customers have to handle. It means another important item to carry and look after along with passports, boarding passes, wallets, mobile phones. However, this becomes irrelevant when we consider the user base to be readers. Think of children reading books on the plane, teenage readers immersed into 50 shades of grey or students discovering Shakespear's Macbeth etc. NEED SOME E-BOOK READER STATS HERE (im pretty sure ebooks a slowly taking over from traditional books.)

For our businessmen market, I envisage a man whose business is of small to medium size. He is an Architect. He has a wife and children of two, so his finances are stressed. He needs to travel often to see clients, manufacturers, exhibitions, construction sites etc. He cannot afford business class, and the distances he travels are relatively short (1-4hrs). He feels that time on air travel is not suitable for working on his projects, and because there is no entertainment on the budget airlines. He works long hours in his studio working on large drawings, is time-stricken and often misses out on the some aspects of life. For example, he rarely has the chance to catch up with current news, personal leisure time, and family time. His name is Mr. Hyung.

Our membership and kindle allows Mr. Hyung to just download his E-ticket onto his Kindle. All the information he needs it there, and he no longer needs to print out several sheets of E-ticket and T&C's. His kindle cover/case holds pockets where his passport can be stored safely out of view. He can walk straight though security, duty free and onto the correct gate without even visiting a reception desk. Why? Because he has used online check-in and he has no baggage to drop off. Mr Hyung is a frequent flier and organised so that he can hand carry his drawings in a tube, and a simple briefcase onto the plane. Once on the plane, Mr Hyung can use this time catching up on news, liesure time and refreshing himself mentally; Helping him have a more balanced life-style. He has the daily newpaper already downloaded onto his kindle when he got his ticket, or his Architect's Journal subscription. He is happy, efficient and comfortable.

Our service appeals to families. Familes are busy, hectic and require lots of planning, sorting and executing such plans is difficult. Our service provides parents a platform onto which they can list and sort what is important when travelling. Expansive checks, such as baby maintenance, clothing for three children and travel arrangements are a huge task for any parent. Our travel companion lists reminders that are essential, as well as a section for personal notes. This is done in a check list format. Children are always moving, and keeping them entertained is tiring. Especially when travellers are finding their way around an airport. Rucksacks, handbags, baggage and childrenrunning around do not help at all when navigating to the check-in desk.

Parents should feel at ease with the kindle, as it is a simple interface, and takes page by page steps to get you to where you want to go. All your families passports can be accessed on the kindle's cover/case pockets. Additionally, we hope to develop a case which can allow the kindle to be attached hands-free onto baggage so that hands can be used to gather any wandering items/children.
Once on the plane and the children are safely seated, the kindle can offer entertainment which parents feel is more educational than 'Angry birds' on an iPad.

Business plan planning - mary

The business plan
A= airplane based
C= consultancy based

If we could have your sections complete and emailed to Mary by the last friday of the easter hols :)

Executive summery – JAMES (managing director)
What is the product? (A)
Why is there a need for it? (A)
How will the company exploit the opportunity?  (A)
What resources are needed? (A)
What are the returns? (A) 

Business strategy (JAMES)
How will it work?
Capital expenditure
Staff recruitment
Product testing
The business / Industry –  MARY (marketing and human resources director)
Who are we/ background(C)
Who owns the business (C)
What do we offer – product / services (C)
Why do we do it? – objectives (C)
What have we got – intellectual prop ect (C)

Management Team - MARY
Brief detail on key personal (C)
List relevant skills and achievements (C)
Non-executive directors – advisory people (C) – Rach dad Alan Smith aeronautical engineer

Operations of products -  RACH (product development director)
What is required to get the product to market? (A)
How will this be achieved? (A)
What will be done ‘in house’ what will be ‘outsourced’? (A/C)
Who are the key partners? (C)
Convince your reader (and yourself) that you can do what is required

Product – RACH
What the product actually is (A)
Describe it in simple language (A)
Discuss product development (A)
Discuss comparative products in the market (A)

Branding / Market - WAI (branding and advertising director)
Show the market exists for your product (A)
Quantify it – data driven data (A)
Identify customers – customer groups (A)
Talk to target customers - do they like / want the product (make it up) (A)
- Will they pay for it? How much? (make it up)
consider brand issues (A)

Promotion - WAI
Public Relations (A)
Advertising (A)
Free or low cost trials (A)
Customer references (A)

Financials – VICKI (financial director)
Remember – businesses fail because they run out of money, even if profitable
Demonstrate: when / how business will generate revenue
What the cash requirements are (A/C)

Tuesday 12 March 2013

New Branding Concept-Victoria Foster

The images below are revised branding concepts based on our feedback
This logo is much simpler and hopefully with be more recognisable and eyecatching.
The colours yellow/gold and blue have very positive conotations in China, hopefully this will be benificial to our airline.
The Brand name is "Qu fei" which means "Go fly"
This image is the plain bird with no text, this would be used in such situations as on the tail of the the plane.

This banner could be used to go across the top of paperwork, tickets and webpages.

This more general logo could be used for staff uniforms or for branded products,
it can be used in similar situation to the plain bird but when text is also deemed necessary,
perhaps as the brand becomes more well known the text would no longer be needed as the bird on its own is more elgant.

Lucky colours in China? - Rachael Smith

According to Wikipedia:

Blue: Blue symbolizes immortality. Dark blue is also a color for somber occasions like funerals and deaths.

Yellow/Gold: Yellow, corresponding with earth, is considered the most beautiful color. The Chinese saying, Yellow generates Yin and Yang, implies that yellow is the center of everything. Associated with but ranked above brown, yellow signifies neutrality and good luck. Yellow is sometimes paired with red in place of gold.
Yellow was the color of Imperial China and is held as the symbolic color of the five legendary emperors of ancient China. Yellow often decorates royal palaces, altars and temples, and the color was used in the robes and attire of the emperors.
Yellow also represents freedom from worldly cares and is thus esteemed in Buddhism. Monks’ garments are yellow, as are elements of Buddhist temples. Yellow is also used as a mourning color for Chinese Buddhists.

Blue/green: Blue-green, corresponding with wood, represents nature and renewal and often indicates spring. The color implies vigor and vitality. Its base colors also have distinct meanings.

According to

Yellow symbolized royalty and power of the throne.
The first Emperor of China was known as the Yellow Emperor. China was often referred to as Yellow Earth, and its mother river is the Yellow River. The skin color of Chinese people is yellow.
During the Song Dynasty (960 - 1279), yellow glazed tiles were used to build imperial palaces. During Ming (1368 - 1644) and Qing (1636 - 1911) Dynasties, emperors were dressed in yellow imperial robes. They rode in "Yellow Palace" carriages and traveled on "Yellow Paths". Official flags were yellow. Official seals were packaged in yellow fabric. Overlooking the Forbidden City from Beijing Jing Mountain, one can see a sea of yellow glazed tile roofs. Gilded copper urns and animals adorn many palaces.

Presentation Plan

This is a summary of all the aspects of our presentation we need to complete.
It is also Business Plan because it highlights:
our GOALS,
and how we will DELIVER it to our customers.

Monday 11 March 2013

Runner's up logos

Whittled down of various designs for our new airline: - Noble Air

There are mainly two colour palettes: China themed and Flight themed.
The Peony flower icon/symbol is to represent loyalty, value, and is known as 'king of flowers'. Also, note the flower transitions to fluffy cumulonimbus clouds: signifying flight and freedom.
Red is considered lucky and a sign of good health.
Gold is also a signature 'colour' for its prosperity and wealth.
Blue is a colour of exploration.

n.b. consider the logo on various surfaces: planes, clothing, merchandise, paper, online etc.

Week 5 - Branding ideas

These are a few of the branding ideas I have thought of. They are based around the idea of china and flight.

 This first idea is the tail of a chinese dragon. The dragon symbolises   power, strength, and good luck.

This idea is a cloud (plane travel, sky etc) This would stand out as a logo but prehaps is too simple. The symbol inside the cloud is loyalty, this would prehaps encourage customers to be loyal to the airline.

This idea is based purely on chinese superstition. The nuber 8 is very lucky, so a plane with a number 8 would be lucky. The 4 stars around the flying 8 are from the chinese flag.


Week 5 - Branding Concepts - Victoria Foster

Below are some branding concepts I designed based on chinese birds, the birds are all good flyers and some of them have other good qaulities such as loyalty, hopefully the birds will be reflective of our airline.

Week 5 - Brand Identity and logo

Brand identity and logos

For our new budget airline to be implemented in China, catering for domestic flights as well as having flights to and from the UK.  Our brand will be closely linked to "Loyalty".  Loyalty to our customers and caring for the passengers throughout the process of buying, arriving, boarding, flying and landing at the destination.